Notice of Motion


FuTURE FUNDING to MITIGATE THE impact of covid-19 on children, young people AND HOuseholds


joint GReen & Labour GroUp & INdepeNdEnt Councillor Motion



Note: At the request of the proposers of Notices of Motions, Items 131 and 135 listed on the main agenda, this motion is submitted as a replacement to them and they are to be withdrawn.


This Council recognises and acknowledges:

1.    The challenging financial, social, wellbeing and educational impacts the pandemic has brought to children, young people and households city-wide;

2.    That additional Government funding (Emergency Assistance Grant) expires 31 March;

3.    The significant support the city’s services and community groups have provided to alleviate these impacts, including commissioning of money advice services, third sector funding, welfare support and housing benefit teams, to ensure families and individuals are supported;

Council therefore resolves to:

1)    Join the Children’s Society ‘Funding local crisis support,’ campaign by asking the Chief Executive to detail to government our support and concerns regarding funding ending 31 March;

2)    Request the Chief Executive writes to Robert Jenrick MP, calling for long-term, dedicated Treasury funding to enable councils to provide a safety-net for the most vulnerable;

3)    Request a report to a CYPS committee in this council year to outline the impacts of Covid-19 and lockdown on children and young people, and further support to mitigate these impacts including:

a)    Mental health and wellbeing support;

b)    Rebuilding young people’s community support networks;

c)    Ensuring every child on Free School Meals has access to nutritional food through School Holidays, not just term time;

d)    Enabling greater access to existing council services through increased concessionary fees;

e)    Enabling free travel for young people across the city and learners with disabilities who attend college;

f)     Broadening out-of-school and after-hours educational support long-term, to address new and entrenched disadvantage.

Proposed by: Cllr Littman                                      Seconded by: Cllr Allcock

                                                                                                             Cllr Knight   

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